Post VI: Gender Roles and Stereotypes

Hello, everyone! This time we'll keep on discussing the ideas we shared last Friday: gender roles and stereotypes. The goal is you try to answer any of the questions included in the ppt or any interesting concepts we discussed from the article. The length of your posts should be in no less than 160 words. Remember to leave comments on everybody's posts.

On your posts you can:
  • explain cases
  • give examples
  • compare cultural differences
  • offer solutions
  • say what you agree with or don't agree with
  • tell a personal experience
You might find useful for your writing:

Beautiful Handwriting 

Okay, Here I go. As I can tell from the article I shared with you, any society has a set of deeply embedded values and attitudes that are believed to be right. These values and attitudes consitute the base of our daily lives. So, it seems to me that if you want to discuss any issues related to feminism, there is then a need to understand the importance that gender roles and stereotypes, in terms of values and attitudes, play in any sociocultural context. This much is true if you look closely enough at how men and women are expected to behave, dress, act, and speak in Chile. For example, you might find it utterly ridiculous, but macho stereotypes exerted a profound influence over the way I used to write by hand when I was a little child. The thing is that I used to have a very beautiful handwriting style. Another male child, who happened to be in the same class, noticed that and made a disparaging remark about it: "you write like a girl". From that moment onwards, I decided to write like a 'MANLY MAN'. You can actually see the consequence of that unkind remark anytime I write something on the whiteboard. Gender stereotypes affect people. Some of them may seem very silly, but they could constitute unfair treatment or a discriminatory practice towards anyone who wants to express himself/herself fully.


  1. teacher, me too I think that Gender stereotypes affect people, especially when they are children.

  2. The called "micro machismo" still is very common in our daily life. It has big repercussions in our way of living.

  3. Why did he do that? I never understand what you write on the whiteboard.

  4. Teacher, the worst thing is that this is still very common

  5. sometimes (almost always jajajj) the stereotypes are pretty absurd

  6. oh professor, in my case when I was a child some teachers told me that I wrote ugly, like a man. A example how gender stereotypes affect people.

  7. It's impressive how children can be so cruel sometimes in their "inocent way"

  8. Like a journalist, i think we can improve this with a not sexist communication in the mass media, its time to expulse the sexist stereotypes of this country.


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