Post IX: What's your favourite food?

As voted in class, Today we'll have a mouth-watering post. The length of your posts should be in no less than 190 words. Remember to leave comments on everybody's posts if possible. You can:
  • talk about your favourite food
  • say why you like it
  • give a recipe or any other relevant information
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End-of-times Lasagne 
I don't remember whether or not I told you in class that I studied cooking before English. I must have said something about it for sure. Anyway, yep! I studied cooking for one year only. I never finished the course, but I learned a couple of cooking tricks, and I must say it also helped me decide what to do next in my life. I've always liked kitchens ever since I was a little child. My mother says that I used to spend hours playing with the pots and pans in the kitchen. But if there is something that I really love more than cooking, that is eating. So it's kind of hard for me to pick one dish as my favourite food, as I happen to be an avid foodie. But, if someone told me I had to choose one dish to eat for the rest of my life because we are reaching the end of times, I think I would go for an everlasting lasgane. I mean it's extreamly delicious, 'healthy' to some extent, and so simple to make. Everyone can prepare a family lasagne. you need:

  • For ragu sauce (tomato sauce)
1 carrot
1 onion
1 stick of celery
1 bay leaf
1kg minced beef
2 garlic cloves
1 tin of tomato purée
7 tomatoes
  • For bechamel sauce (white sauce)
100g of butter
80g of flour
1 lt of milk
100g of parmesan cheese
1 pinch of salt and pepper

Melt the butter in a pot. Add the flour. Make sure that the butter and flour are melting well. Then, pour the milk into and stir it till the whole mixture thickens. Season it with salt and pepper and put the cheese in your sauce. Keep whisking it for 10 minutes and add a pinch of nutmeg.
For ragu sauce, get the carrot, onion, celery and meat inside a pot and cook them gently. Add red wine if you like. Evaporate the alcohol and season your preparation. Then add the tin of tomato purée and tomatoes. Stir it and wait 35-40 mins.
Once your sauces are ready, start the layers process. Spoon a thin layer of your ragu, then another of bechamel. Add a layer of lasagne sheets on top. Repeat the process over and over again till there's nothing left and bake your preparation for 20 mins. Then enjoy it!


  1. I love lasagna . I just change the meat for mushrooms or soy meat and it become a good veggie option.

  2. oh lasagna is delicious. Now I'm hungry

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Mmmm I still remember the first time I ate lasagna was at 12 years old

  5. Definitely, Lasagna is one of my favorite dishes. So delicious!!!

  6. Lasagna is delicious, It is the first meal that I learned to cook!

  7. Teacher does not kill me, but I've never eaten lasagna :(


  8. Pasta is the greatest creation of the human, i once made a lasagna and it took me 4 hours, but it was worth it.


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