Post VIII: A Subject you enjoy studying this semester

For today's post, we'll be talking about a subject that has caught our attention during this semester. The length of your posts should be in no less than 180 words. Remember to leave comments on everybody's posts if you can.

The idea is you:
  • say what subject is
  • explain or give reasons why you enjoy it
  • share any other relevant ideas you deem worth mentioning
In case you wonder what this piece of text means, check: 

A comlicated academic year so far

No doubt one of the most important subjects that has become of paramount importance now is 'feminism'. It is everywhere. So, there is no way you can avoid saying anything about it. You can see telling messages anywhere you go, such as one I saw on the scratched windows of a bus that really  got me on my way home: 'Don't have sex if you're tired. Don't have sex if you just don't want your partner to get angry with you: sex without consent is rape!'
To be perfectly honest, feminism wouldn't have come up if female students hadn't brought it up in the first place. So, university protests and talks have definitely set a precedent for how gender stereotypes and other institutionalized beliefs affect us for better and worse when there is no fair treatment. This is why, universities are needed to be the places where ideas must be debated and knowledge is then expanded. 
Unfortunately, Chilean universities seem to be very late in terms of regulations on what in-and-out-of classroom behaviours are desirable under given conditions and what constitutes discrimination against any students, especially female ones. There is still so much we need to do in regard to this matter. However, Do we really have enough power in our hands to make those desired changes?


  1. Undoubtedly, Chilean universities are lagging behind in this matter, but the current mobilizations are a good starting point to make changes.

  2. It was time for the administration of this University feel pressured by the feminist movement, with all the problems of abuse that exist and that no one has done something to repair it.

  3. I think that in the university we can change the actual stereotypes in our society.

  4. I agree with Yasna. The mobilizations are a very good starting point, but we must to continue working on it

  5. It's a matter that sooner or later it would finished on the table, and the universities strikes have been a big step to make it visible. I'm really proud of this generation.

  6. the feminist movement has changes the way of thinking of many people currently, I like it

  7. Undoubtedly the work done by women, this last time, has been important to generate awareness in many places

  8. Hi teacher, I think that feminism is causing great changes.


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